Sunday, November 15, 2020

Hardest Part is packing up.... What to keep? What to sell? What to donate?

 What to keep?  What to sell? What to donate?

After the seemingly never-ending sale, we are still faced with enough stuff to supply a couple of more homes.  During our purge we discovered we had place settings and utensils for an army.  We had enough pots and pans to start a restaurant and I have enough musical instruments to supply the brass and percussion sections of a marching band.  

That being said please come by during the next week and take stuff away.  We are making a trip to the donation station a few times this week. Some games and a few other special items are being sold on neighborhood selling sites but much of the odds and ends are free...or on a donation basis. Here is a list of things on the table.  This list is being updated daily so get on over and claim your piece of the Goings stuff.

1.  Yamaha Guitar with case  - $50

2.  Box of Men's Clothes - Free or donation

3.  Stainless Steel camping Coffee Percolator

4.  Household Items  - free or donation

5.  Philco 32 television - lightly used - $100

6.  Games - $5 or less - your call

7.  Glass top wine rack - $20



 Hi Everyone, 

As we undertake a new chapter in our life we want to express our love for all of you. As some of you may already know, we are leaving Seattle and heading south.   We have established this blog as a means of communicating with all of you.  Be assured that we are taking every precaution along this journey.   So. are you ready? Let's go!